Pupillage applications - why choose us?

Clare Kelly Clare Kelly 17th January 2024

The Pupillage Gateway is open, and decisions have to be made about which sets to apply to. If you are considering applying to us, here is some more information about what we offer:

  • We are offering two pupillages to start in October 2025 – one common law pupillage (supervisors in civil, family and criminal law) and one specialist family law pupillage (supervisors in children law – public and private – and in financial dispute resolution). The candidate who scores most highly in interviews will get the first choice of pupillage ( but please note that we can offer two common law pupillages if both candidates want a mixed practice). 
  • We offer a Pupillage Award of £24,000 – but this is quite a misleading figure! During first 6, we offer guaranteed payments of £2,000 per month as well as travel expenses outside of Zone 4. During second 6, we offer guaranteed earnings of £2,000 per month, but most pupils earn in the region of £20,000 - £30,000 during that period. The income of a pupil is therefore normally in the region of £32,000 - £42,000 during the pupillage year or higher.

  • We offer a bespoke training programme throughout first 6. This starts on your first day with a full induction day to explain how Chambers works; what is expected of pupils; what you can expect from us; the forms and records which need to be completed at each stage in order to get a Provisional Practising Certificate and then a full Practising Certificate; and an introduction to marketing and networking. We then provide training sessions during most weeks during first 6 covering the hearings that you are most likely to encounter in second 6 – everything from how to deal with a bail hearing in the magistrates court, to defending an application for summary judgment, to presenting an application for a non-molestation order. These are presented by junior tenants and cover hints, tips and tactics, information about the documents required for each hearing, and may include an advocacy exercise.

  • We offer great opportunities for advocacy and expect you to be in court throughout second 6. We are a set which encourages advocacy! During first 6, you will spend most of your time in court shadowing your supervisor and other more senior members. Once you are on your feet, we expect you to be in court 4-5 times per week covering a variety of hearings. Our staff team works very hard to ensure that you are offered work which is suitable for your level of experience, but is not afraid to nudge you out of your comfort zone from time to time in order to help you progress! 
  • In addition to the bespoke pupil training, pupils are encouraged to attend the in-house training provided within Chambers for all members and staff which includes a range of topics such as financial planning, tax calculations for self-employment and LinkedIn training.
  • We provide a designated pupils room within Chambers for current and recent pupils to work from, particularly if their supervisors are not around. This provides a hub for pupils to meet and socialize, as well as working, and helps to build relationships with others at our junior bar.
  • If pupils are working from home, we provide access to Office 365, Westlaw, Practical Law and Lexis Nexis in order to ensure that you can work effectively from wherever you are.
  • We treat all pupils as future tenants from day 1, and interview everyone for tenancy. We have a very strong record of offering tenancy to our 12-month pupils and ensure that we provide informal and formal reviews throughout the year so that any concerns (from either side) can be addressed swiftly.
  • We offer opportunities for CSR. We have a good relationship with Advocate (if you want to do pro bono work), and have strong partnerships with the Sutton Trust and City Law School which provide lots of opportunities for outreach. Pupils often attend events and join panels to talk about their experiences and give career advice.
  • We provide individual coaching on marketing and networking as well as opportunities to do so. It can be daunting to have to raise your profile and take part in marketing events, but we make sure that you are well prepared and are supported throughout.

We hope that you will feel enthusiastic about the possibility of being part of a progress, diverse set where you will be encouraged to develop the career that you want! If you have any further questions before applying, please don't hesitate to contact our Chambers Director.


We look forward to receiving your application!

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