“[The client] found Kate's advocacy approach strong and professional, and straight to the point. She complimented Kate’s competency and knowledge. She managed to  challenge the other parties’ argument, very robustly and critically.”

Instructing solicitor


Kate is a highly skilled and knowledgeable common law barrister, accepting instructions in Court of Protection, family, civil and crown court criminal matters. She applies the skills and expertise from each area of practice across the other areas, and is particularly in demand for cases where there is a crossover between Chambers’ main practice areas. Kate’s efficiency and personable nature makes her very popular with solicitors.

Kate is extremely bright, very focused and quickly masters the detail of any brief. She has a comprehensive knowledge of the law and procedure in her practice areas. She is regularly instructed in complex cases or those which have been ongoing for some time because she is very detail-focussed and able to cut through large amounts of information quickly to get to the nub of an issue. Kate is excellent when dealing with particularly technical and detailed points, is clear and concise in writing and is a strong and determined advocate. A recent client commented "Please thank Ms Round for her excellent work yesterday.  The tide in this case appears to be turning in favour of [our client], and her efforts assisted."

Court of Protection

Kate leads a specialist Court of Protection team in chambers. She welcomes instructions in welfare cases and property and finance matters. She is also experienced in cases where the Court of Protection’s remit crosses with the High Court’s inherent jurisdiction and with mental health regimes. She has experience in the family courts, and particularly in cases where the family law jurisdiction interacts with the Court of Protection. 

Kate frequently trains solicitors on Court of Protection issues, and in December 2021 published an article in Family Law entitled 'Protecting liberty 'in practice': principles and mechanisms for child care lawyers' covering issues which arise in respect of deprivation of liberty of children. 

Kate has also developed a specialist interest in mental health and community care cases, and in the high court’s jurisdiction for vulnerable adults. Prior to coming to the Bar, Kate worked for a specialist mental health and community care law firm and she has a long standing interest in cases of this nature.

Children law (public)

Kate has a thriving practice in public children cases, and is frequently chosen by clients because of her extensive knowledge of the law in the area, her attention to detail and her robust advocacy. Kate acts in complex cases, particularly where there are detailed factual and legal issues to consider and where there are large amounts of documentary evidence or witnesses who need to be carefully cross-examined. Kate's background in criminal law means that she is particularly well suited to questioning witnesses. 

Kate acts for local authorities, parents and other parties involved in care proceedings and accepts instructions for any hearing in the proceedings from an ICO up to a final hearing. She is able to deal with long running cases and lengthy hearings of several weeks or more.

Recent feedback from a client highlighted many of Kate's strengths:

"The Social Worker attended the hearing with Kate, and she was extremely impressed with Kate’s representation and professionalism, Kate picked this case up relatively quickly and very well. Social Worker said that she felt Kate represented as if she knew the case for a long time, and picked up the contentious issues brilliantly.  She found Kate's advocacy approach strong and professional, and straight to the point. She complimented Kate’s competency and knowledge. She managed to  challenge the other parties’ argument, very robustly and critically. The Social Worker felt very relieved that she had a barrister who really fought for the LA addressing the issues on this case, which is very complex in nature.  Kate truly respected the Social Worker and gave her time and attention, even after the hearing."

Insurance and credit hire

Kate has a specialist practice in credit hire cases (a subset of contract law) both with and without associated personal injury proceedings. She is chosen by insurers to deal with the higher value cases especially if there are more unusual contract points to be explored.

Kate has a huge amount of experience in these cases and has acted in many cases where there are arguments of proportionality, impecuniosity and fundamental dishonesty.


Kate accepts instructions for written work or representation in court for a range of civil matters including contractual disputes, guarantees, indemnities and land mortgages. She is very good at advising in cases which are technical and detail-oriented, and accepts instructions for cases in the Land Tribunal.

Kate is experienced at dealing with HMO cases, and is very familiar with the civil and criminal regulations and procedures in this area. Her experience in criminal proceedings makes her a particularly good choice for these types of cases. 


Kate’s background and experience in civil and criminal work make her a natural choice for regulatory crime cases.

Kate is experienced in cases alleging housing benefit fraud, planning enforcement and HMO enforcement.  

Personal injury

Kate accepts instructions in personal injury cases in the fast track and multi-track. She is experienced in cases involving allegations of fraud and dishonesty and represents some of the country's largest insurers.

Kate's criminal practice means that she has exceptionally good skills of cross examination, and she is often instructed in cases where there are issues of witness credibility.


Crime (defence)

Kate has an active defence practice across traditional crown court matters, including multi-handed cases, conspiracy, cases involving firearms, cases depending on analysis of cell site evidence, fingerprint, DNA or other expert evidence. 

Kate has a specialism in cases involving mental health, and has a compassionate and knowledgeable approach. Her familiarity with mental health law, and how this intersects with the criminal jurisdiction, is particularly valuable. She is also very good at dealing with witnesses with mental health issues, ensuring that her cross examination is effective but not overbearing.


To instruct Kate in children or Court of Protection cases please contact Jay Dorton.

To instruct Kate in civil cases please contact Rob Johnstone.

To instruct Kate in criminal cases please contact Clare Ryley.


  • B.A. (Hons) University of Manchester


  • Russian
  • Welsh

Notable Cases

London Borough of Croydon v S: Represented the Local Authority in a case relating to the removal of a baby from its family as an interim measure in light of very serious concerns about the baby's welfare, and refusal to allow face to face contact with the family even as an interim measure.

R v Spinks & Parkin: Represented the 2nd Defendant in an electoral fraud case which attracted media interest.

R v Mirza [2017] EWCA Crim 924: Prosecuting in a case defining the two stage approach to s.179(3) (defence to the s.179 owner breaches of planning enforcement notices).

R v De’Viana: Junior counsel for the defendant in an unusual child cruelty case which attracted media interest. The defendant father was accused, and acquitted, of mental and physical child cruelty by tennis training. The defence case included evidence from the Lawn Tennis Association, and from high level coaches on sports training regimes. The case attracted significant media attention: BBC News Report

AM v Partnerships in Care Ltd [2015] UKUT 659 (AAC)  - (for the patient) (case concerning the proper approach to evidence in mental health tribunals, in particular that findings as to risk under s.72 of the Mental Health Act 1983 must be based on findings of fact, mere suspicion does not suffice).

Attorney General's Reference (No.94 of 2014) (R v Baker) [2014] EWCA Crim 2752: Represented the Defendant in a Court of Appeal case which radically interpreted the new sexual offences guideline for ‘incitement’ cases)

Re: RGS [2012] EWHC 4162 (COP): Represented the Local Authority in a case regarding the litigation capacity of a party other than P in the Court of Protection in the context of financial applications. Case involved welfare considerations and media reporting.

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